
history of male nude photography 121

Hoffman of Edimburgh (real name Frank Morton) worked in Great Britain in the same period of John Barrington (see 7.23.11), Lon of London, Angus McBean, John Graham, and others set mostly in London.Neil Edwards was born George Elliot McNeil on February 1939, and was raised in Virginia. His mother divorced her husband, who was said to have "tormented" her and their children. As an adult, the younger George Elliot McNeil legally changed his name to Neil Edwards to avoid any connection with his father's name; was active between 1964 and 1969 as a male physique photographer. During Edwards' period of strongest productivity, he purchased the rights to photographs produced by a studio called Starfire Studios, and began distributing their work with his own "Neil Edwards" stamp.
Neil Edwards also produced images of travels, Germany, Belgium, China and Hong Kong, New York, London. as well images of the flags of thirty-five gay motorcycle clubs.

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