

Gary J. Speziale vive e ha studio a Brooklyn, insegna arte a N.Y. e nel Connecticut. E' nato nel 1959. I suoi lavori sono stati pubblicati su "Jewels", "Stripped Uncensored" e "Completed Stripped" editi da Bruno Gmunder, mostre alla Leslie-Lohman Foundation, a Berkeley, California, a New Canaan, Connecticut.
Gary J. Speziale
lives in Ridgewood on the Brooklyn/Queens border, teaches in New York and Connecticut. Born in 1959. His works have been published on "Jewels", "Stripped Uncensored" and "Completed Stripped" edited by Bruno Gmunder; exhibitions at the Leslie-Lohman Foundation, New York, in Berkeley, California, in New Canaan, Connecticut.http://homepages.nyu.edu/~gjs3/index.html

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