this blog is about the male image in arts, photography, comics, music, fashion, movies, advertising, culture physique, and contains explicit nude images. by viewing this site you consent to be 18+.
comics and illustrations
StudioDronio is composed by Jacopo Camagni and Marco Felicioni, photographers and illustrators. Freelance illustrator Jacopo was born inBologna, Italy, on December 1977.In 1998 began workingfor KappaPublishing(Lupin III) and some videogames magazines.From2005 to 2007works onthe series"MagnaVeritas" (Soleil) on texts byMarcoFelicioni.In 2008, he is one of the winners ofinternationalcompetitioncreatedby MarvelComics 'Chesterquest'.Since then he hasworked on someof the mostfamousheroeslike Spiderman,Ironman,Captain America,Hulkand Thor.Last year StudioDronio has released two 2012 calendars and a collection of male portraits by Jacopo Camagni "Maneater".Some Jacopo's illustrations have been published in the Bruno Gmunder's anthology "Big Love".
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