this blog is about the male image in arts, photography, comics, music, fashion, movies, advertising, culture physique, and contains explicit nude images. by viewing this site you consent to be 18+.
history of male nude photography 127
A contemporary of early Beefcake photographers like Mizer and Douglas, Fred Kovert (see 8.16.11) brought a quirky twist to his work. Models with average physiques and body hair posed with taxidermy and statues of the Blessed Virgin. Even Beefcake celebrities like Andrew Kozak and Jack Conant appeared out of character with chests full of hair, in less-than-classical poses. Sometimes the lighting and the staging went beyond theatrical to the surreal, pushing his work toward a modern esthetic more akin to George Platt Lynes than other physique photographers of the era. (Thanks to BigKugels).(gene meyer):(andy kozak):
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