vintage (movies)
Loic, a 18 y.o. gay boy in Switzerland, fills the emotional void of his turbulent sex life with dreams of a better life. Between working in a chocolate factory, laying around watching TV and hooking up anonymous men he meets on the Net, his life is set as a clockwork.
When a casual but tender encounter with an older guy, Lionel (starring the film's director), something really new happens and Loic arrives at one of the most crucial crossroads of his life.
Marie, his childhood friend, will force him to fly higher and Loic at the end will change becouse he is not a "stupid boy" and realizes who he really is through the intimate, challenging conversations recorded on Lionel's video camera.
A tender and dramatic coming-of-age film told in a series of episodic events, such as the suicide of his best friend, his growing infatuation with a local team's soccer star, a car accident which reunites him with his parents.
Garcon stupide. Lionel Baier. 2004. Switzerland. Language: French. Subtitles: English, Spanish.
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