

James Houston è un fotografo/regista australiano che vive a New York, considerato tra i migliori al mondo, tra i clienti Clinique e Hugo Boss. Ha pubblicato 4 libri. "Move" è stato pubblicato nel 2006 da PowerHouse Books per sostenere alcune associazioni benefiche che si occupano di Aids e ha raccolto quasi 500.000 dollari; le immagini di "Move" sono state scattate in soli cinque giorni e ritraggono oltre sessanta ballerini delle più importanti compagnie di danza degli Stati Uniti; nel 2007 durante il progetto Move for Aids colpito dalle problematiche legate alla sessualità degli adolescenti dirige il suo primo documentario "Let's talk about sex" (Parliamo di sesso) trasmesso in televisione a livello nazionale nell' aprile 2011. Ha esplorato il mondo dello yoga con "One", bellissimo libro illustrato. "Raw" è il primo libro di Houston pubblicato da Fine Arts Press nel 1997 in coincidenza con una retrospettiva che raccoglie il lavoro in bianco e nero di cinque anni, la mostra ha ricevuto vari premi e ha girato l' Australia per un anno. James Houston is an australian photographer / director based in New York. He is recognized as one of the world's leading beauty and body photographers with clients as Clinique and Hugo Boss. Four award-winning international books have been published on his work. The last, titled MOVE (PowerHouse Books), was created in 2006 to benefit various HIV/AIDS charities and has raised close to $500,000; it brings together photographs of over sixty dancers from leading American dance companies, capturing the raw energy and emotion of movement. During the MOVE FOR AIDS project Houston was shocked by the facts surrounding adolescent sexual health outcomes for U.S. teens. In 2007 he was inspired to raise over 1 million dollars to direct his first documentary 'Let's Talk About Sex'. The documentary airs nationally in the U.S. on April 2011. In "One" Houston has explored the world of yoga with a striking collection of graphic images featuring the yoga body as an art form. "RAW" is Houston’s first published book by Fine Arts Press / Craftsman House in 1997, to coincide with a five-year retrospective featuring portraits and nude forms in black and white. After winning several awards for design and photography, the RAW exhibition toured Australia for a year. "RAWMOVES" followed in 1999 (Fine Arts Press / Craftsman House), shot in just five days. brings together photographs of over sixty dancers from leading American dance companies, publishedphotographic essay capturing the raw energy and emotion of movement.

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