this blog is about the male image in arts, photography, comics, music, fashion, movies, advertising, culture physique, and contains explicit nude images. by viewing this site you consent to be 18+.
fumetti e illustrazioni
Pagine del 2008, ma rigorosamente in ordine, del miglior fumetto gay online "Kyle's Bed & Breakfast" di Greg Fox (vedi 16.2.2011). La relazione tra Brad Steele e Matt Allen sembra al termine, ora nel letto di Matt c'è Jeff Olsen... Vero amore? Pages of 2008, but strictly in order, of the best gay online comic "Kyle's Bed & Breakfast" by Greg Fox (see 2.16.2011). The relationship between Brad Steele and Matt Allen looks at the end, in Matt's bed there is Jeff Olsen... True love?
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