this blog is about the male image in arts, photography, comics, music, fashion, movies, advertising, culture physique, and contains explicit nude images. by viewing this site you consent to be 18+.
Sembrerebbe che i film porno gay degli anni '40 e '50 consistessero soltanto di pavoneggiamenti e flessioni e docce... i film hard core gay erano altamente illegali e la sodomia è stata un crimine in molti Stati americani fino a non molto tempo fa. Naturalmente i film "posing strap" e di wrestling girati dalla AMG di Bob Mizer e da Bruce of L.A. (i maggiori autori del genere) erano destinati esclusivamente ad un uso casalingo ed erano piuttosto costosi da realizzare. E' interessante sapere che il loro prezzo era di circa 120 $, più o meno 1.000 $ di oggi.It seems that gay porn movies of the 40's and 50's consist only of strut and flex and showers... hard core gay movies were highly illegal and sodomy was a felony in many states until fairly recently. Of course posing strap and wrestling movies from AMG and Bruce of L.A. were made for home use only and fairly expensive to make. It's interesting to know that they cost about $ 12o each, more or less $ 1,000 today.
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