
books and mags

A real interesting photobook is "Naked Truth. Exposing men's souls" by Seattle photographer and body painter Jim Wilkinson. Published at Blurb on October 2010, 120 pages, with softcover $38,28, “Naked Truth” focuses not only on the bodies of gay men, but their thoughts as well, and features photos of a variety of men and body types with their thoughts painted on their bodies. The pictures have been exhibited at the 2011 Seattle Erotic Art Festival and voted viewer's favorite installation. The book explores the many facets of American gays (and all of us, without gender differences) with great sensitivity and humorism, particularly reveals the suffering and agony at the core of a gay man’s life, the deeper desire for the universal need for connection and of the wish to love and to be loved, the wounds that life leaves on our bodies.


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