
history of male nude photography 116

Roy Dean's work (see 10.31.11) has been shown in several exhibitions, beefcake magazines, calendars and books as "Adam Today" (2001), "Reflections of men" (1992), "Before the hand of men", unfortunately other books, notable for the history of photography, are long out of print. "Before the Hand of Man" has been published by Rho-Delta Press in 1972, 103 pages, available (used) at Amazon, "Adam Today" has been published in 2001 by Pohlmann Press, available at Amazon.
(Thanks to Black Muscle 1940-1980).
(tony pearson, gold's classic 1976, mr los angeles junior,
mr southern california junior 1977, mr america, mr california, junior mr usa 1978, mr olympus, pro mr world, world championships 1979, mr universe 1980, grand prix denver 1983):

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